The story of a social entrepreneur
A small business with a big heart
Our social responsibility
I NewUse har vi forpliktet oss til å ta samfunnsansvar gjennom vårt arbeid for mennesker, miljø og mangfold. Sentralt i denne tilnærmingen er vår egenutviklede kompetansemodul, der vi både kartlegger og gir individuell praktisk og teoretisk opplæring, samt følger opp den enkelte for å skape en bedre overgang til arbeid eller utdanning.
Våre verksteder fungerer som praktiske læringsarenaer, hvor deltakere ikke bare utvikler ferdigheter, men kartlegges gjennom å ta del i produksjon og reparasjon av produkter til reelle kunder. Vi tror på å gi mennesker den nødvendige opplæringen og ressursene for å skape sin egen vei mot suksess.
Vi benytter mest mulig brukte materialer i både produksjon, reparasjon og opplæring. På denne måten gir vi disse materialene nytt liv og viser med handling at sirkulær økonomi fungerer. Som sosial entreprenør er vi stolt av å være en drivkraft for positiv forandring, og vi fortsetter å utforske måter å utvide vårt samfunnsansvar på for å skape en inkluderende og bærekraftig fremtid for alle.
Meet the employees
At NewUse, we take the environment and climate seriously. With us, actions speak louder than words. As part of our commitment to environmental and climate work, we work purposefully to improve our footprint. Since 2017, we have worked for people and the environment, and as part of this work we can now announce our path towards certification as an Environmental Lighthouse company.
By embracing the Eco-Lighthouse standard, we show not only our commitment to the environment, but also our willingness to go beyond the minimum requirements. We look forward to continuing to explore, evaluate and implement new solutions to ensure a more sustainable future for our employees, participants, customers and the rest of society.
Here you can read our sustainability policy, environmental report and environmental accounting.
The UN's Sustainable Development Goals
"The UN's Sustainable Development Goals are the world's joint work plan to eradicate poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change by 2030."
- fn.no
Helping people and the environment has always been our most important mission. We must all take part in the work for a better world - together we can make a difference! As part of this work, we have selected four sustainability goals that are particularly relevant in our work:
Decent work and economic growth means, among other things, that people get the opportunity to use the skills they have, towards a relevant profession - under good working conditions and with fair pay. This helps to strengthen socio-economic conditions and raise the level of inclusion and diversity in working life.
Less inequality will lead to better living conditions for those who have the least. Even in the world's richest countries, we find poverty, and we sometimes experience great social, cultural and economic discrimination between different groups in society.
Responsible consumption and productionis about utilizing resources more efficiently,
at the same time as we reduce unnecessary waste. Every day enormous amounts of good raw materials go to waste. By rethinking and using raw materials efficiently, we can make the world a good place to live for those who come after us.
Stopping climate change is absolutely necessary to avert the ongoing climate crisis. Climate change does not take national borders into account - we must all contribute.