The green shift
Projects for customers and partners
We work for a better environment and sustainability!
Your local craftsman for private individuals and businesses
At NewUse we are concerned with the environment, sustainability and circular economy. Our workshops are furnished with machines and tools that have largely had a function with others before us. With us, you can be sure that skilled craftsmen make an effort to design and produce new products that largely come from recycled materials from local producers and partners. With our broad knowledge and our large workshops, we also offer repair, restoration and maintenance of your products. In NewUse, we see the value of reuse, and want to take part in the effort to help the environment.
We deliver services in the form of courses and training programs for immigrant men and young people with a craft background. Our participants get the opportunity to practice the profession in practice - not just talk about it. We map knowledge gaps through a practical approach and provide guidance to be able to tailor individual races for all participants.
Everyday work provides new knowledge, the right working language, mastery and a social network.
This is what we at NewUse call good craftsmanship.

Sandefjord folkehøyskole
Omtrekking av auditoriumstoler
Høsten 2024 ble vi kontaktet av Fredrik Møller-Hansen, rektor vi Sandefjord folkehøyskole.
På en gammel skole, som flittig brukes av både lærere og elever, er det stadig behov for å reparere ting. Denne gangen var det på høy tid å trekke om stolene i skolen auditorium.
NewUse og Sandefjord folkehøyskole drar nytte av hverandre på flere områder. Folkehøyskolen åpner dørene for at våre deltakere kan bedrive fysisk aktivitet hos dem, og vårt Learning by Doing-tilbud er populært brukt av skolens elever.
Vi setter stor pris på bedrifter som går foran som gode eksempler - både når det gjelder miljø, gjenbruk og reparasjoner, og når det gjelder mennesker og mangfold!

Construction and maintenance v/Sandefjord municipality
Rehabilitation after fire

In autumn 2022, Dag Torbergsen at Sandefjord municipality - Construction and maintenance contacted us.
After a fire in the neighboring apartment with subsequent water damage and rot, the apartment was uninhabitable. As a result, it was necessary to straighten the floor, put up new walls and a new roof.
With the help of carpenter and supervisor Orry, in collaboration with a group of motivated and willing participants, we took the challenge head on.
Thank you for working to reduce exclusion by giving young people an opportunity to show what they can do!
Flerbruksvesken Eirunn
Høsten 2024 kom daglig leder ved Gründernettverket, Helle Stabel til oss.
Helle hadde behov for å gå til anskaffelse av gaver til styremedlemmene sine, så skredderen tok oppdraget på strak arm, og sydde 10 Eirunn flerbruksnett - laget av brukt seil og skinn.
Vi setter stor pris på bedrifter som går foran som gode eksempler, gjennom å kjøpe bærekraftige produkter som støtte oppunder en viktig sirkulærøkonomi!
Ønsker du å kjøpe en Eirunn-veske til deg selv, eller som firmagave til de ansatte? Trykk her eller kontakt oss!

Construction and maintenance v/Sandefjord municipality
Rehabilitation after fire

In autumn 2022, Dag Torbergsen at Sandefjord municipality - Construction and maintenance contacted us.
After a fire in the neighboring apartment with subsequent water damage and rot, the apartment was uninhabitable. As a result, it was necessary to straighten the floor, put up new walls and a new roof.
With the help of carpenter and supervisor Orry, in collaboration with a group of motivated and willing participants, we took the challenge head on.
Thank you for working to reduce exclusion by giving young people an opportunity to show what they can do!
Sandefjord fire and rescue
Uniforms and rescue dummies
In the autumn of 2022, chief fire marshal at Sandefjord fire and rescue, Jon Arne Hansen, came to us.
The emergency department needed to fix several of their uniforms after long and faithful service. It was particularly a problem that the reflective tapes on the rescue overalls were worn and partially torn.
After undergoing a solid repair by our tailor, the suits were as good as new.
We greatly appreciate that municipal actors lead the way as good examples and show social responsibility through reuse and circular economy!
You can see the result in this film!

Menu Arena Pindsle
Built-in storage shelves and advertising sign shelves

In autumn 2022, the merchant at Meny Arena Pindsle, Hilde Hallenstvet, contacted us.
The lack of a shelving system in the warehouse was at the expense of the logistics for both Hilde and her employees. Lack of system and subsequent mess can make anyone and everyone a little frustrated.
As a result, we quickly sent some skilled craftsmen to look at the possibilities - and shortly afterwards the old shelves were reused as shoe racks, while we brought our own recycled materials that soon became both space-built storage shelves and advertising sign shelves - to name a few.
Thank you for working for a strengthened circular economy by focusing on good solutions for increased reuse!
You can see the result in this film!
Nordic State
Festival kit for the Stavern Festival
In the spring of 2021, the general manager of Nordic State, Ellen-Cathrine Østli, came to us.
Commissioned by the Stavern Festival, benches and tables were to be built for the VIP area at the festival.
After our skilled craftsmen had converted the drawing and design into finished products with function, the festival kits were ready for delivery.
The festival kit is produced exclusively from recycled materials and materials from a local sawmill. Based on its Norwegian origins, the festival kit was quickly christened "Ernst".
Shortly afterwards, Ernst was also to be found at the Fjordfest here in Sandefjord!
Thank you for working to take social responsibility by focusing on good solutions for increased reuse!
"We find NewUse to be clever and solution-oriented, and we are incredibly proud
ofthewe'll get it together!"
- Ellen-Cathrine Østli

Nygård residential and treatment centre
Benches with planter and self-watering system

In the winter of 2021, the project manager and
interior architect at Sandefjord municipality,
Cathrine Prestbøen, contact us.
In connection with the expansion of Nygård residential and treatment centre, there was a desire to decorate the new departments with combined benches and planters that were easy to maintain.
Shortly afterwards, 14 benches with a self-watering system were ready, distributed among the various departments at the nursing home.
Thank you for Nygård housing and treatment center and Sandefjord municipality taking care of people and the environment!
Hear what house economist at Nygård, Hanne Rismyhr, has to say about the project, in this video!
"We were very satisfied with the process surrounding the planning and production of the planters. We want to focus on sustainability and reuse in the projects, and chose NewUse to support a local company that focuses on this."
- Cathrine Prestbøen
Only Beppe
Outdoor furniture, bar tables and integrated shelves
In autumn 2017, owner of Bare Beppe, Tone Mette Baan Eftang, came to us.
There was a need for more outdoor furniture, in addition to space-built, integrated shelves and bar tables in the café. This would give customers better choices, and make sure to cover every need, whether you wanted to sit inside with a view, or new solar outdoors.
Although the outdoor furniture has been exposed to the elements for several years, it can still be found outside the café to this day.
Thank you for working for a strengthened circular economy by focusing on good solutions for increased reuse!
You can see the result in this film!